Aesthetic Proportions
Golden section in mathematics, art and design
- The appeal of numbers
- Numbers in history
- Pythagorean aesthetics, ratio, commensurability, arithmetic and geometric means
- Platonic aesthetics, Platonic solids, regular polotypes
- Irrational numbers and ratios, Hippasus of Metapontum, Aristotle
- Proportion in mathematics
- Proportion in art
- Proportion in design
- Sequences (World of Mathematics)
- The Magic of Fibonacci Numbers (Arthur Benjamin)
- Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section (Ron Knott)
- The Golden Ratio & Fibonacci Numbers: Fact versus Fiction (Keith Devlin)
- Wau: The Most Amazing, Ancient, and Singular Number (Vi Hart)
- Grammars for Generative Art I–III (Mikael Hvidtfeldt Christensen)
Context-free graphics
Cables –
CInk 2 –
Context Free –
Dwitter –
Eisenscript –
Generate –
Generate/Processing –
Konte –
LiveCodeLab –
OpenProcessing –
p5.js –
Shadertoy –
Structure Synth
Next topic
Complex systems and graftals ▸
- 01 Towards Computer Art
- 02 Software Aesthetics
- 03 History of Computer Art
- 04 Aesthetic Functions
- 05 Aesthetic Transformations
- 06 Aesthetic Proportions
- 07 Complex Systems and Graftals
- 08 Geometric Fractals
- 09 Algebraic Fractals
- 10 Chaotic Fractals
- 11 Symmetry and Ornament
- 12 Nonperiodic Tiling
- 13 Specialized Tiling
- 14 Decorative Knots
- 15 Mathematical Sculpture
- 16 Bio Art
- 17 Exact Aesthetics
- 18 Vision and Depiction
- 19 Colour and Composition
- 20 Nonphotorealistic Rendering