Specialized Tiling
Non-Euclidean geometry and planimetric mosaics
- Tiling of non-Euclidean plane
- Special mosaic construction
- Pentagonal tiling, Cairo tiling
- Marjorie Rice, Michaël Rao
- Origami patterns
- Dissection tiling, planimetric mosaics
- Non-Euclidean Geometry (Malin Christersson)
- Artistic Models of the Hyperbolic Geometry (Vladimir Bulatov)
- Creation of Hyperbolic Ornaments (Martin von Gagern)
- Hyperbolic Planes Take Off! (Vi Hart)
- How Did Escher Do It? (Bill Casselman)
- Pentagon Tiling Proof Solves Century-Old Math Problem (Natalie Wolchover)
- The Math and Magic of Origami (Robert Lang)
Circle limit
Hyperbolic Tiling –
HyperTess –
KaleidoPaint –
KaleidoTile –
Next topic
Decorative knots ▸
- 01 Towards Computer Art
- 02 Software Aesthetics
- 03 History of Computer Art
- 04 Aesthetic Functions
- 05 Aesthetic Transformations
- 06 Aesthetic Proportions
- 07 Complex Systems and Graftals
- 08 Geometric Fractals
- 09 Algebraic Fractals
- 10 Chaotic Fractals
- 11 Symmetry and Ornament
- 12 Nonperiodic Tiling
- 13 Specialized Tiling
- 14 Decorative Knots
- 15 Mathematical Sculpture
- 16 Bio Art
- 17 Exact Aesthetics
- 18 Vision and Depiction
- 19 Colour and Composition
- 20 Nonphotorealistic Rendering